Universitat Rovira i Virgili


The URV AI Skills Lab comes to an end after seven months of work

Mar Camacho, head of the project, highlights the good collaboration of the participating schools

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Around 300 teachers acquire advanced digital AI skills to apply in the classroom

It is the result of the AI Skills Lab project, which has trained teachers from 11 schools in Tarragona, who have applied their knowledge to nearly 7,500 students.

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Groundbreaking project introduces artifical intelligence to eleven schools in Tarragona

More than 180 teachers participate in ‘AI Skills Lab’ project with positive results

Pharmacology and parapharmacology students take tests created with help from AI

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When the AI speaks Catalan

Mar Camacho reflects on the use of Catalan in AI environments in the Diari Més

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Gisela Cebrián: "Young people are becoming more and more aware of climate change"

Gisela Cebrián, member of EDIT, talks about the EDUCLIMAD project in the radio programme ‘EL Món de Cambrils’

Listen to Professor Gisela Cebrián (interview in Catalan)

Students in the forefront at the XII Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació

Professors and members of EDIT, Marta Camarero Figuerola, Alison Cantos Egea, Joana María Tierno García, Ana Inés Renta Davids and Gisela Cebrián Bernat, awarded for a paper on fostering leadership and research competencies in initial teacher education.

Inauguració del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació.